Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #102: Upcoming Flutter conferences in Europe

Droidcon Berlin is an upcoming three-day conference about Android development. This year Fluttercon, the largest(😉) Flutter conference in Europe, will be co-located with it. The agenda is not available yet, but you can already check the list of speakers with the title of their talk. Expect hundreds of talks, ten tracks, and thousands of attendees.

Are you unable to attend the conference? Flutter & Friends, a smaller but similarly interesting Flutter event, will be hosted in Sweden next September.

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

All for One, One for All: Embracing Dart’s Three Musketeers — Records, Patterns, and Sealed Classes

by Muhammed Salih Guler

Dart 3 has just been released and AWS Amplify has already incorporated records, patterns, and sealed classes in their code. See how an example application that uses AWS Amplify can be updated to take advantage of these new features.

Flutter needs to break free from Material

by Peter Bryant

According to Peter, Flutter is getting too intertwined with Material Design, a claim that is not new in this newsletter, as Stephan mentioned in a previous issue. He plans to fix this problem with an unopinionated component library, inspired by Tailwind UI, called Catalyst UI.

The future of iOS development with Flutter

by Leigha Jarett

In this article, the Flutter team highlights how iOS apps are taking advantage of Flutter, the recent improvements in Flutter for iOS developers, and the roadmap for future improvements.

🗄 Backend for Flutter developers

Flutter Hackathon

by Tyler Shukert

Every few months, Supabase announces a new hackathon. This time they dedicate it to Flutter. Unfortunately, the deadline is tomorrow but with the inherited speed that comes from using Flutter for the frontend and Supabase for the backend, you can still cook something up and submit it.

🎥 Flutter videos

Observable Flutter: Serverpod

with Craig Labenz and Viktor Lidholt

This week it’s about Serverpod, which I linked many times in this newsletter. Serverpod is a full-stack framework for Dart and Flutter, that aims to be easy to use and provide a clean API for users. Learn about Serverpod’s deployment story, and how it is user-friendly and supported by Google Cloud and AWS. See how to set it up using Docker to run PostgreSQL and Redis, create endpoints, and generate a transfer protocol using JSON and websockets for real-time communication. The video covers State Management, migration creation, and creating a model for a to-do list and touches on the importance of designing a system with scalability in mind and building a cache for certain use cases to save on performance.

👨‍💻 Software engineering

How to manage your technical backlog

by Darío Rodríguez

I linked an article last week about technical debt. How do you deal with technical debt? With a technical backlog that you maintain and hopefully reduce over time.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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