Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #97: A new Flutter video series.

The Flutter team added a new video series, The Flutter Build Show, to all the others:

Plus the package and widget of the week series.

I am not sure about the differences between this new show and the others but I hope it will touch on more advanced topics. What do you think?

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

Why theming in Flutter is confusing (to me)

by Stephan E.G. Veenstra

I also find theming in Flutter quite complicated. The fact that Flutter is relatively young and iterates quickly makes older articles irrelevant, so it is hard to find good information outside of the official documentation. How do you tackle theming in your organization?

4 years of Flutter | Breaking the trend of a native-only company

by Thomas Middel

Read about the journey of a native-only agency that started using Flutter some years ago, the motivations for this change, the decision-making about state management and architecture, and the preferred packages.

🗄 Backend for Flutter developers

Serverside Dart #2

by Darshan Rander

Are you considering serverside Dart for your next project? Here is a comparison of the most known frameworks with benchmarks, code snippets, and infrastructure support.

🛠️ Tools to improve your Flutter experience

Streamlining Your Flutter Package Publishing Workflow: Automating with GitHub Actions🤯

by Deepraj Baidya

Sometimes you find yourself re-using some code over and over again in most of your Flutter projects. You might consider packaging and publishing your code so that others can also use it if they need to. This article can help with the publishing part.

🎥 Flutter videos

flutter_animate (Package of the Week)

“Use the flutter_animate package to quickly add beautiful, customizable, pre-built animations to your Flutter app.”

Observable Flutter: Slow-coding Pong

with Craig Labenz and Lukas Klingsbo

“Watch as Craig Labenz is joined by Flame’s creator, Lukas Klingsbo to touch up last week’s hasty Pong implementation and discuss Flame best practices.”

Accessibility with Flutter: Apps are for everyone! (with captions)

“Apps that are accessible benefit everyone, not just people with disabilities. It’s estimated that over 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, and they face significant barriers to accessing technology.”

👨‍💻 Software engineering in general

Remaining Relevant Over Four Decades

by Andrew Wulf

Andrew has been working as a programmer since 1981. In this article, he shares how he kept his professional profile updated over time, avoiding the traps of either moving to management and stopping coding, or being stuck in a futureless job supporting obsolete technologies.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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