Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #101: What’s new in Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3

The Google I/O keynote was focused on AI but we also got plenty of Dart and Flutter sessions.

At the same time, the Dart and Flutter teams published an article on Dart 3, one on Flutter 3.10, and a more general one about both.

If you prefer videos, here is the equivalent of the latest article, and if you do not have much time, here is a 5 minutes recap.

Are you already migrating your apps?

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

2023 Google Mobile Ads Updates for Flutter

by Timothy Hoang

Up until now, implementing Native ads required writing platform code. Now you can customize Native ads using Dart. Learn a bit more about it in this article by the Google team.

A complete guide to Flutter testing

by Eduard Tar

We all know that (automated) tests can make you more confident that your app has fewer bugs. But what should/can you test and how do you get started in Flutter?

Impeller is PROD ready for iOS, Dart 3, x3 WEB Performance and more with Flutter 3.10

by David Serrano

I always include a non-official “What’s new in Flutter” article in this newsletter. In this one, David gives a quick tour of his favorite new features and improvements.

🤷‍♂️ Others

Challenges and Solutions in Developing English-Arabic Applications

by Carlos Oliveira

When designing a mobile app, it is easy to concentrate on left-to-right languages and forget about its layout when it is used with right-to-left languages. Carlos introduces what challenges you face when designing your app for both and discusses how to navigate these challenges.

🎥 Flutter videos

Observable Flutter: I/O FLIP

with Craig Labenz and Erick Zanardo

I/O Flip is a game created by Very Good Ventures to showcase (AI 😅 and) the capabilities of Flutter. Google shared a lot about how it was made. In this episode of Observable Flutter, Craig and Erick discuss the I/O FLIP game, including its rules, elements, and card selection. The game involves selecting a class of characters, choosing a pack of cards, and playing a match against another player. Erik explains the choices they made, the technology used and avoided, and the reasons why.

👨‍💻 Software engineering

What is Technical Debt?

by Laura Tacho

Most development teams, feel the pain of technical debt in their day-to-day work. How can you convince management that it needs to be addressed? Try defining technical debt as “suboptimal choices that cost money.”

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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