Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #105: Google Summer of Code 2023

The Google Summer of Code program aims to get new developers started with open-source software development. This year, there are two Dart organization projects.

Not all the ideas from the Dart team were selected for a project, maybe you can pick one of the remaining ideas as a personal project.

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

Flutter UI challenge: rotary passcode (static design)

by Mangirdas Kazlauskas

This is a long and detailed tutorial about creating the UI of an old-style rotary phone as a passcode input element.

Say Goodbye to Error Chaos in Flutter with Talker 3.0

by Stanislav Ilin

Talker is a package created to improve your understanding of errors happening in your Flutter app. It integrates with many online crash reporting tools, and it provides the basis for showing errors directly in your app’s UI for easy debugging.

Easily use Firehose API on Bluesky Social with Dart and Flutter

by Shinya Kato

Bluesky Social is the latest attempt to create the “next social network”. It is still an invite-only website, but you can already adapt your Flutter app to interact with it, via the AT Protocol, (not to be confused with the atProtocol 🫤).

🗄 Backend for Flutter developers

Flutter Hackathon Winners

by Tyler Shukert

Supabase announced the winners of the Flutter Hackathon. Go have a look at the winning projects and the runner-ups and get inspired to start your own Flutter+Supabase app.

🛠️ Tools to improve your Flutter experience

Announcing DCM free version sunset

The free version of DCM -known as Dart Code Metrics-, in the form of a plugin, is being discontinued. The maintainers want to focus on the more performant non-plugin version. You should remove it from your dependencies by July 16th, even though I am not sure what will happen if you keep it after that date, given that packages that are published on pub.dev cannot be removed, in most cases.

🤷‍♂️ Others

Flutter Conferences

by Manoel Aranda Neto

Do you want to stay up-to-date with upcoming Flutter conferences? Or maybe you are organizing a conference and you want to add it to a public list of Flutter conferences? Check this website and contribute via GitHub.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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