Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #75: The fast growth of personal open-source projects

It is incredible how quickly a personal open-source project can grow. I am interested in Fluttium.dev by Jochum van der Ploeg, and I follow all the frequent updates. I plan to try it soon, together with Maestro by mobile.dev, to see which one is best for the project I am working on.

Is there a Flutter-related open-source project you want to try?

- Michele Volpato

Development 🧑‍💻

Cupertino lists, the missing widgets from the Flutter Cupertino collection

CupertinoListTile and CupertinoListSection have recently been merged into the Flutter framework. Learn more about them in this article by David Serrano Canales.

Adding CarPlay to your Flutter app

The Flutter team leaves out some platforms. Apple Watch, CarPlay, Apple TV. It makes sense that the team focuses first on the most used ones. But if you need to create an app for one of these frameworks, you can find some information from other developers who faced the same challenges. For instance, Lewis Cianci wrote this article to teach you how to create a Flutter app for CarPlay.

A beginner’s guide to go_router in Flutter

When I had to make a Flutter iOS and Android app available on the web, the most significant change was migrating to declarative navigation. I did not use go_router, but if I had to do it now, I would consider it. And probably use it, given how easy it looks like in this article by Hrishikesh Pathak.

Use this to explain how to use your app | Flutter PRO tip #2

Your users must understand how to interact with your app. Ideally, the user experience is so clear that they need no hint. In case they need suggestions, tutorial_coach_mark comes to the rescue. An article by David Serrano Canales.

How to use Notifier and AsyncNotifier with the new Flutter Riverpod Generator

Andrea Bizzotto continues the series of articles about Riverpod with Notifier and AsyncNotifier and the Riverpod Generator.

Tools 🛠

Optimize Flutter iOS Build using ccache

Sometimes building the iOS version of your Flutter app can take a long time, as Jhin Lee experienced recently. One option to speed it up is by using Ccache. It can also help with GitHub actions.

How to release features from your Dart application using feature flags

ConfigCat is a cross-platform service to add feature flags and perform A/B testing. It supports Flutter via an SDK, as Chavez Harris shows in this article.

Others 🤷‍♂️

🔗 Firebase UI for Auth (Package of the Week)

The Firebase UI widgets are time-saver alternatives to creating your own UI. You miss some customization, but they are perfect for internal apps.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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