Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #71: Hacktoberfest is near

Hacktoberfest is a celebration of open-source software. In October, if you contribute to some open-source projects, you can get some swag or a tree planted in your name.

Why am I linking it in this newsletter? Because Appwrite is very much involved in its presentation. You do not need to contribute with code, you can still contribute with documentation improvements or designs.

Not all repositories participate in Hacktoberfest, check a list of Hacktoberfest repositories using the Dart language on GitHub. Some of my favourites among them are flame, provider, riverpod, freezed, stream-chat-flutter, sentry-dart, and dashbook.

Just be sure to contribute in a meaningful way, don’t be a spammer.

- Michele Volpato

Development 🧑‍💻

Best Flutter music streaming options

I worked on a music app in the past. We used the combo just_audio and audio_service. If you want to play music in your app, have a look at this overview of some well-known Flutter audio plugins, written by Suragch.

Source code gen in Flutter & Dart: How to create a builder to generate SQL code

A couple of issues ago I linked the first part of this series of articles. In this second part, Pedro F Marquez creates an interesting SQL builder for Dart. You can annotate classes and generate valid SQL code from your annotations. I worked with something similar in a Swift project years ago, and it did not look as cool as this.

Flutter: Crafting a great experience for screen readers

Shawn Blais comes back this week with more information about the process of building the Wonderous app by gskinner. This article focuses on accessibility and screen reader integration.

Tools 🛠

Using Mason and bricks in your Flutter app: Beginner’s guide

mason is a tool that developers can use to generate custom code. You can use it to create bricks which are reusable templates you can share with other developers and run using mason_cli. Learn how to get started with this article by Hrishikesh Pathak.

Others 🤷‍♂️

🔗 Nested Navigation with GoRouter (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 63)

I like that The Boring Flutter Development Show is having so many guests in the latest episodes. In this one, Craig Labenz and Renuka Kelkar talk, and code, about web, navigation, and routing.

🔗 Shortcuts (Widget of the Week)

You can add keyboard shortcuts to your Flutter app. But how do you bind some key combinations to a specific action? Learn more in this video presented by Craig Labenz. If you want to learn even more check this Using Actions and Shortcuts article.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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