Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #64: One month to the biggest Flutter conference

One month to the (probably) biggest Flutter conference: Flutter Vikings. The impressive list of speakers and the schedule are out. You can follow some selected tracks online for free, or you can attend in person by buying tickets online.

If you reside in Europe, you can also apply as a volunteer. You can attend the conference for free, and you get some swag, in return for your help during the conference in welcoming attendees and assisting speakers and sponsors.

I cannot attend in person, but I will do it online for sure. Are you going to attend?

- Michele Volpato

Development πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— #Flutter How to handle multiple versions of Flutter in windows

I do not use Microsoft Windows, so I am not sure what the problem with multiple versions of Flutter is. But if you have problems with it, try this quick solution by Aman Singh.

πŸ”— Creating an Ecommerce App with Flutter and Medusa

Medusa is an open-source engine used to build e-commerce websites. In this article, Sam Victor shows you how to set it up and connect it to a Flutter app.

πŸ”— Flutter: a journey to higher-quality apps

A summary of tools and techniques to improve the quality of your Flutter project. A very interesting article, by Olivier Revial.

πŸ”— A terminal real time application with Dart Sockets

Terminal, servers, clients, and sockets. Learn more about real-time client-server communication in this article by Max Weber.

πŸ”— Overlays in Flutter: Getting Started

Learn Flutter’s popUp, modals, and dialog boxes with the help of popUpRoute. An article about Flutter’s overlay, written by Michael Malak.

Tools πŸ› 

πŸ”— Push Notifications in Flutter with Native Notify

Native Notify is a tool better known in the React Native community. They also provide Flutter integration. Learn how to add it to your app with this article by Sam Victor.

Others πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ”— Full-stack Dart with Simon Lightfoot: Pt 3 (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 61)

This is the third part of The Boring Flutter Development Show started weeks ago. Watch the first part here, and the second part here. With Craig Labenz and Simon Lightfoot.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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