Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #63: A new home for the newsletter

I am in the process of moving this newsletter under my website domain: volpato.dev. The newsletter homepage is already available and soon I will also migrate the email address used to send it. If you don’t receive the next issues, check your spam folder and add the new email address to your contacts.

- Michele Volpato

Development πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— How to implement Auto Logout in Flutter

Sometimes you want to log out a user if they are not interacting with your app. Think about privacy-sensitive apps like a banking app. Eshank Vaish has some code that does exactly that.

πŸ”— How to know when to comment your Dart code

Should you comment on every block of code, or should you let the code explain itself? The answer is, not surprisingly, in the middle. What could be a good rule to follow? And how do you effectively comment Dart code? Learn more in this article by David Serrano Canales.

πŸ”— Dart: Futures and Streams

Do you need a refresh on asynchronous programming in Dart? Code along with this article by Michael Katz.

πŸ”— Drag and Drop Header for HorizontalDataTable

See how May Lau implemented drag and drop of entire columns in the horizontal_data_table package. It is very interesting to see how a package maintainer implements new features in their code.

Backend πŸ—„

πŸ”— AWS Amplify - Flying High with Flutter #68

AWS Amplify is a set of tools to create full-stack apps backed up by AWS services. Muhammed Salih GΓΌler, senior developer advocate at Amazon Web Services Amplify, talks about it on the Flying High with Flutter podcast.

πŸ”— Multi-Factor Authentication with Flutter and Firebase

Multi-factor authentication is now supported in FlutterFire. Guillaume Bernos has a tutorial on how to add it to a Flutter app.

Tools πŸ› 

πŸ”— How to manage your Flutter monorepos

In the introduction of issue #59, I mentioned Melos. Recently Nils Reichardt wrote this article about it in the context of CI/CD with Codemagic.

Others πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ”— Introducing: DashBot the Chatbot! | Learning to Fly

Khanh Nguyen implemented a “Dash chatbot”, with some help from Craig Labenz. This is an overview video that explains a couple of problems and how to approach them. You will get an idea of how the chatbot was implemented, and you can get the code for the chatbot here.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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