Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #47: Did you attend any Flutter Festivals events?

I attended the Dutch Flutter Festival, organized by Flutter Netherlands this week. It was exciting to meet fellow Flutter developers in real life, and chat with old acquaintances.

Next to the two main talks, one of which was given by a remote Frank Van Puffelen, there were a dozen smaller talks given by Flutter developers. I found the concept of giving many five minutes talks very interesting. If you are not much interested in the subject, it’s only five minutes, and if the speaker caught your attention, you can further investigate the topic while socializing, or later at home.

Some of the shorter talks really got my attention, and I would love to attend a longer and more detailed lecture about them. They are “FlameπŸ”₯” by Jochum van der Ploeg, “RenderObjects, the good parts” by Jeremiah Ogbomo, and “NS & A11Y” by Dennis Anderson.

Did you attend any Flutter Festival events? Let me know in the comment section below.

- Michele Volpato

Development πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— Port an existing C/C++ app (Dungeon Crawler β€” Rogue) to Flutter with Dart FFI

One of the short talks at the Flutter event was about “Using C/C++ inside flutter app through dart:ffi” by Taym. This article, by Marvin Sanchez, goes deeper into the subject by porting an old text-based game to Flutter, with a relatively modern interface.

πŸ”— A Comprehensive Guide to Flutter-WebRTC

WebRTC can be used to implement real-time communication to your application by using open standards. Aditya Thakur builds a video-based Flutter app that takes advantage of this technology.

πŸ”— How I generated my personal landing page with Figma & Flutter using Parabeac

You should not use Flutter for your (personal/marketing) website. It is not meant for that. But it can be a good exercise and the perfect portfolio for potential clients. Ivan Vigliante used Parabeac to automate a Figma design into a Flutter app.

Backend πŸ—„

πŸ”— Appwrite 0.13

There is a new release of Appwrite out there, with improvements to Storage and Cloud Functions. Read more in this article by Eldad A. Flux.

Tools πŸ› 

πŸ”— Supercharge your Flutter tests with Very Good CLI

The Very Good CLI is a command-line interface for Dart and Flutter. You can use it to set up new projects, packages, and plugins, with multiple interesting features, like logging, testing, code analysis, and flavors out of the box. In this article, Felix Angelov showcases the new test command, which has performance optimizations and (code line) coverage enforcement built into it. Very Good Ventures recommend an accepted threshold of 100% code coverage, I think each team needs to decide project by project. Reaching 100% could also give you a false sense of security.

πŸ”— Flutter and SonarQube for Static Code Analysis

For deeper code analysis you can use external tools like SonarQube, as explained by Catalin Patrascu in this article. He uses a community-supported plugin for SonarQube that enables Dart and Flutter analysis, because SonarQube does not support them, yet.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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