Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #90: On architecture for Flutter applications

This issue of the newsletter contains a lot of architecture links. A couple of them are about Clean architecture in Flutter, using the BLoC pattern. The very last link, instead, is more about architecture in general in software projects.

You should start every project by defining its architecture. A good architecture document is a must if you want a project with high quality.

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

A pragmatic guide to BuildContext in Flutter

by Daria Orlova

Do you think you know what BuildContext is? Do you know what relationship it has with Element? What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget regarding BuildContext? Read this article and find out how much you still don’t know about your widgets’ context. The article is long and full of information.

Isolates in Flutter

by Dhruvam Sharma

Implementing concurrency was made easier in Dart 2.19. In this article, you learn what isolates are, and how easy it is to use them in your Flutter app to run heavy-duty code in the background.

“Clean” Architecture vs pragmatic architecture

by Kirill Bubochkin

There are many articles online about Clean architecture for Flutter apps. This one, takes a slightly different approach, giving focus to what the app is about, rather than talking about architecture for the sake of it. I do not agree with all the choices: I believe that _PopularMoviesWidgetState, a Flutter State, should not know about PopularMoviesRepository, or any other repository in general, and should only communicate with a use case, or BLoC in this example.

In my opinion, there should be a clear separation between the presentation layer (widgets) and the data layer (repositories). But this is also a decision you need to make as a team, so if the entire team agrees, then you are good to go.

Flutter BLoC + Clean Architecture Best Practice

by Kerollos Ragaie

And to stay on the topic of Clean architecture for Flutter, here is another approach, for comparison, that also uses BLoCs.

Dart Mixins Tutorial for Flutter: Getting Started

by Monikinderjit Singh

You might use mixins often in your Flutter apps, like SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, or EquatableMixin. But what is a mixin, and when should you create your own?

🗄 Backend for Flutter developers

Dart Frog — Zero to Production

by Aseem Wangoo

Ok, you know how to use Flutter and Dart to write the presentation and business logic of your app. But what about the backend? Learn how to use Dart Frog, a backend framework for Dart.

🎥 Flutter videos

Observable Flutter: Live code review

with Craig Labenz

Craig reviews a mixture of user-submitted code and his own old, embarrassing code.

Preview: Two-dimensional scrolling in Flutter

with Kate Lovett

Flutter is introducing two dimensions scrolling in Flutter. It will solve the problem of having nested scroll views, which are not performing as well as the Flutter team would like.

👨‍💻 Software engineering in general

Investing Wisely in Architecture Through Refactoring

by J. B. Rainsberger

Should you worry about over-engineering your architecture or designs while refactoring? Should you follow guidelines set by others like Hexagonal, Clean, and Onion architectures, even if it will end up making the system more complex?

In my opinion, in non-trivial projects, it is always worth setting boundaries and rules from the very beginning. Think about “always having a use case between the data layer and the presentation layer, even when it is anemic.” Rules will make the code consistent, and a consistent code is much easier to maintain.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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