Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #138: Flutter for Games

If you ask developers which platform they would use to build a game, not many of them would say Flutter. In fact, I do not remember ever reading about a game made in Flutter in GitHub’s Game Bytes newsletter. This year the Flutter team seems to want to increase the number of games made with Flutter. They debuted at GDC.

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

How to Build and Deploy a Dart Shelf App on Globe.dev

by Andrea Bizzotto and Suragch

You are writing an app using Dart, why not write your backend using Dart as well? Suragch shows you how to build a Dart backend using Shelf and deploy it on Globe.dev.

Flutter’s InheritedWidgets: Getting Started

by Wilberforce Uwadiegwu

Several packages help you manage state in Flutter. Most of them are powered by InheritedWidget. Wilberforce explains how to use InheritedWidgets directly. I always suggest new Flutter developers start with the basics, and this article is a great starting point.

History of JS interop in Dart

by Sigmund Cherem

Web developers using Dart and Flutter need access to JavaScript libraries. That is not an easy feature to implement. Sigmund explains how Dart’s JavaScript interoperability evolved over the years.

Auth0 Flutter SDK vs API: Which one should you pick?

by Mauricio Miguez

“This blog will focus on comparing the Auth0 Flutter SDK with the Auth0 API, outlining their pros and cons, and hopefully giving you the tools to pick the best option based on your project requirements.”

Exploring Accessibility and Digital Inclusion with Flutter

by Ana Polo

What tools and features do you have at your disposal to make your Flutter app accessible to everyone? Read this article to learn more.

🎥 Flutter videos

SegmentedButton (Widget of the Week)

“Use Material’s SegmentedButton that lets users select value(s) from a limited set of options.”

Observable Flutter #39: Building a data layer with Serverpod

with Craig Labenz

Craig picks up where he left off last week, building a Twitter clone with Serverpod. This week, he focuses on building the data layer.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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