Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #123: Better codebase maintanability with flutter_lints

A new version of flutter_lints was recently published. Lints help keep your code base consistent. They can also be used to avoid potential future bugs. Many new rules have been added in this version and some have been removed, bringing the minimum Flutter version to 3.10. See the full changelog.

- Michele Volpato

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Development in Flutter

Implementing the latest from Flutter to build our Guided Journaling Library

by Isaac Adariku

The Reflection app is one of the oldest apps made in Flutter to get good recognition. They now reached version 4, and in this blog post, they explain why they love Flutter and what the framework allows them to do with ease.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Flutter: Getting Started

by Alejandro Ulate Fallas

I already linked a couple of articles about integrating ChatGPT in a Flutter app. But this one is on another level. It is very detailed and deep. Highly recommended.

Flutter Image Upload and Image Crop

by Thanasis Traitsis

Are you looking for an easy way to incorporate image upload and cropping in your Flutter app? This article does it all.

πŸŽ₯ Flutter videos

Observable Flutter: Bonfire

with Craig Labenz and Trey Hope

In this video, Craig and Trey discuss using the Flutter extension Bonfire to create role-playing games using Flame. There are quite some time-saving benefits of using Bonfire over Flame for game development.

Observable Flutter #26: Flocking algorithms

with Craig Labenz

Craig fixed some bugs and worked on a more organized swarming of zombies in the Flutter game he is working on.

fl_chart (Package of the Week)

“Use fl_chart for visualizing information in a number of common graphs, including line, bar, and pie charts.” Keep in mind that fl_chart is still in beta.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Software engineering

Manage Your Capacity, Not Your Time

by James Stanier

TL;DR: “… optimal allocation of your capacity is not a box packing problem where you must allocate every single minute of your day. This is an anti-pattern.” and “Make sure that you’re always available for your team when they need you.”

Read the article for more insight about allocating capacity and how to start doing it the right way.

A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don’t.

by Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya

The title is a bit provocative, but the idea is valid. Do not chase innovation for the sake of it. Changes, even innovative ones, must be carefully considered and planned. Technologies should not be considered ‘old’, just ‘well-understood’. Unless you work for a cloud-crypto-Web3-NFT-metaverse-LLM-based company.

“The key is to understand why you don’t want to be on the leading edge of innovation all the time, and also to understand when it’s appropriate.”

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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