Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #106: The Appwrite Hackathon on Hashnode just ended

The Appwrite Hackathon on Hashnode just ended and there are a lot of new Flutter projects being posted on Hashnode. Have a look at them and get inspired to start your own:

- Michele Volpato

🧑‍💻 Development in Flutter

Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar with Stateful Nested Routes using GoRouter

by Andrea Bizzotto

How to show different pages when we switch between tabs? How to perform nested navigation and push additional pages inside each tab? How to preserve the navigation state of each tab? Find the answers to these, and other questions, in this article about nested navigation with Navigator 2.0.

Let’s Post to Bluesky Social easily with Dart and Flutter

by Shinya Kato

Last week, I linked a beginner article to get started interacting with Bluesky Social. In this article, you learn how to use the bluesky and the bluesky_text packages to post to the social network in Dart.

🛠️ Tools to improve your Flutter experience

Dart DevTools: Analyzing application performance with the CPU Profiler

by Ben Konyi

This article works through a simple case study examining the performance of a slow Dart command-line interface (CLI) application. You’ll learn about:

  • General CPU profilers and their importance.
  • The sampling CPU profiler that ships with Dart and Flutter.

👨‍💻 Software engineering

Definition of Ready: What It Is and Why It’s Dangerous

by Mike Cohn

In Scrum, a definition of ready is a way to say that a certain story meets a list of team-defined criteria and is ready for a sprint. If you use the wrong criteria in this list, you can end up with stories that are never ready.

The Surprising Power of Documentation

by Vadim Kravcenko

“The constant need to have meetings is a symptom of a deeper problem — a lack of clear, accessible, and reliable documentation. A well-documented workflow doesn’t need an hour-long session for clarification. A well-documented decision doesn’t need a room full of people to understand its rationale. A well-documented knowledge base doesn’t need a group huddle whenever a new member joins the team.”

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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